Friday 24 December 2021

2022 a Year to Come Closer

 Over the last few weeks, I have been drawn back into government restrictions, these have included wearing face masks and to continue to keep my distance with social distancing.

I felt God saying, "I want to come closer, and I want you to come closer. The enemy wants to move you apart, but in 2022 I want you to come closer. Closer to me, so you can feel my breath upon your face, and I can touch your lips with my Holy Spirit. 2022 is going to be a year where I am inviting you to know my deeper love, for my closeness to be your secure embrace and in my closeness, you will find safety and security from the storms and ravages of the world. The enemy has tried to drive my children apart, but 2022 will be a year of coming close to me so I can blossom in your heart.”

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