Sunday 26 December 2021

2022 a Year to Come Closer - Shepherd's Awake

 2022 a Year to Come Closer. - Part 2



There is a cry from the heart of God for shepherds to awake. I felt God was saying “My Shepherd’s are asleep, and my people are scatted across the mountains, with no one to gather them together.”

The heart of God is that a voice of encouragement would rise up and neutralize the ever-increasing wave of negatives. This is the voice of the Shepherd, a voice to declare the reconciling work of the cross to his people and create an atmosphere within Christians that permeates everything and creates a glorious external environment. Every positive word spoken would tear down the walls of negative and build strongholds of hope and love. 



God shouts to the Shepherds to wake up and move the opposite Spirit to the negativity of the world. To awake and defeat negative emotions and negative thoughts. It is time to stop empowering the enemy against ourselves. It is time to remove the darkness from our minds. For the Shepherds to encourage and lead us into greater knowledge and experience into our identity in Christ. To declare that as Christ is so now we in this world.  To declare that we can be victorious, overcoming, and more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.



God doesn’t need to be understood or explained. Christians are those that  have been made New Creations in Christ to experience the resurrected power of Christ within us, to experience and know God’s love, so that our lives become a proclamation of glory of God’s nature. It is this new nature in Christ that Shepherds need to awake into and declare. It is time for Shepherds to declare to the children of Christ their inheritance given to them in Christ.


2022 will be a year for the Shepherd’s to awake and bring back the scattered from across the mountains, into a gathering of unity rooted and grounded in love and established in the blood of Jesus. The enemy would fill our mind and hearts with negativity, 2022 God wanted to declare out his word of encouragement that will neutralize the enemy. To declare to all the reconciling work once and for all time, of the finished work of the cross.

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