I believe there is an invitation that God through the Holy
Spirit is giving to us to "Turn the page - for the next page is
God has provided for us a blank page, a new page where
nothing has been written. Nothing has been formulated, nothing has been
prompted. There are no suggested themes or inspiring texts. It is blank for God
and you to write a new story.
This blank page contains no lines for you to write in. So
you can write, draw, create, doodle, you are free to enjoy and create whatever
God and you want to do.
This blank page is a spacious place. It is a place waiting
to be filled, a space of possibilities, a place of desires, a realm of delight
and a place of joy.
This blank page is an adventure, a page of new things, a
page of new adventures, a page of intimacy, a page awaiting you.
This blank page awaits colour. It is there to be filled up
with the vibrant colour of creation. It cries out for creations brush to paint
with it the colours of heaven. It wants to be splashed, to be thrown at with
the colours of the rainbow. It wants to come alive.
God is saying, "Turn the page!"
This is the time to leave behind the pages of the past. Turn
the page into a new day of God living and working through you. Don't stay on
the same page, turn the page onto a page of unlimited possibilities.
Don't be frightened, there will be challenges ahead but
there will also be great adventures and God will be right there in the middle
of it, guiding your hand, creating pictures and ideas with you. You are never
going to be alone, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit goes with you.
This is the day of God's blank page. This is the day to turn
the page into the adventure of God's plans and purposes.