Sunday, 5 January 2020

Prophetic Word - Unwrap and Let Go!

Over the last few days the words from the scripture of John 11:44 have been coming back to me over and over again, Unwrap him and let him go!

God is saying, It is time to be unwrapped and let go. The finished work of Christ has set you free. It is your time to walk in the freedom of the finished work of the cross. For too long, the condemnation of religion and the lies of the world have wrapped you up. For too long, sickness, lack, depression. oppression, broken-heartedness have held you in a straight jacket of death. All these things have held you back! God says, I have unwrapped you and this is the day to let go. This is the day to receive all I have won for you and to see the things that have held you back drop off. For whom the Son sets free, is free. You are a New Creation in Christ and all the past has been put to death, dont resurrect the past, leave the past behind, leave condemnation and guilt behind and walk free from the tomb into resurrection life.

Be unwrapped of the lies, failures and oppression of the old life and let them go and walk into the fullness of the new life you have in Christ. Gods life is now your life and the Holy Spirit dwells and overflows in you. You are new in Christ, unwrap yourself of the past and everything that would hold you back.

It is my prayer that this word helps you, strengthens you and causes you to have greater hope for the future! I believe for some believers there will be greater challenges and situations that arise for believers, but our future is bright and full of Light! What is this light? It is the Light of His glory and truth as manifested in Christ Jesus the Son. He indeed is the Way, the Truth and the Life and He gives Light to the whole world. It is in His Light that we see Light (Psalm 36:9). May the Lord open the eyes of our understanding and flood our hearts with revelatory light and truth that we may know the hope of His calling and the glory of His inheritance in the saints. (Eph 1:18)