Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Prophetic Word - September 2020

 Prophetic Word - September 2020

Over the last month I have had a progressive sense that the church worldwide is heading towards a decisive moment in time. The words that have come to me over the last few days are, "The battles greatest encounter is about to begin !"

There is a feeling that the battle is NOT with the enemy but a battle with identity.  A battle with the way the church sees itself, the way it acts, who it is listening to and where it is focusing. A battle that either triumphs in the glory of the Spirit or fades in surrender to the world.

I felt that the object of the enemy was to make every believer feel there is no time at all and that there is no place safe from destruction.  I felt this was an object that has been successfully attained.

I felt the enemy strategy was to immerse believers in his work, to make us become obsessed with his work, to live and accept  the reporting of all events. That the fate of everything has become our passion.

And as believers we have stood with breathless expectation waiting for things to happen around us.

But God has been constantly reminding us our our inheritance, our Sonship and our authority. He is shouting to us that we are born into a royal family. A royal family of heaven's influence and glory.  He is shouting to us His aspirations so that His glory is released throughout the earth through each of us.  He is reminding us that we are named after our Father and we carry the name of our Father.  We are made in the image of our Father.

That God in Christ became the Great Adventurer.  The heart of God is adventure not compromise.  The heart of God is passion, delight and desire, not separation,  passivity. The heart of God is glory, that glory of God would cover the earth.

I then heard in my heart these questions,  but what can we do? For everything seems to have taken a life of its own?

As I sat and thought about these questions God started to speak this to me.

God says, "There is a scarlet column moving forward. A red army, dressed in the scarlet blood of the cross.  It is a massive column.  I have awakened this column and I have sharpened them to sense the power of the Holy Spirit.  I have sharpened them to move in the overflow of my Spirit. I have given them the ability to jump the fences put before them and with loud cheers they will declare the day of the Lord's favour.  They will declare the finished work of Christ at the cross.  They will declare the unconditional love of God. "

"And I have focused my goodness on them and they will focus their eyes on me. They will not look to the right or to the left. The will not look to destruction but will focus on life. They will not focus on the fate of everything but they will focus on the promises of God in Christ.  I have focused on them and they will focus on me. For where their focus is will determine the battle."

"Let your words be words of VICTORY.  Let your speech be full of my victory.  Let conversation by full of my victory.   I have released my euphoric energy of the cross.  I have given you the euphoric energy of the Holy Spirit.  Let the victory of the cross be the language of life to each other and to the world.  Let believer's unite with one mind and one Spirit in the victory of the cross.  Let us be filled and declare my victory. "

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Word - Rust and Dust

I believe God is saying today, "I am taking away the rust and the dust of your life.  I am removing the rust that has accumulated in your life so that your true self can come to the front and shine.  All the dust that has shadowed your life I am cleaning away, for underneath the rust and the dust is the real you, the real new creation life that has been covered and hidden by the dust of life and the rust of the world."

"My Holy Spirit is working in you removing everything that covers up your life so you can shine in me. All those choices that were made from a basis of fear, doubt, anxiety and unbelief I am removing and clearing away. They have hidden the real you, and it is now time for you to come forth and shine.  It is now time for you to be who I have created you to be."

"You are victorious in me, you are forgiven,  set free, holy, blameless, and you have been released from your captivity.  You are a child of God, a joint-heir with Christ and it is your time to shine."

"Let me remove the rust and the dust, it is my delight to bring forth the bright, shining new creation life that is you. It is my desire that the gold that is in you is brought forth for all to see."

"This is a day to leave behind the dust of life and the rust of the world and shine in the golden glory of Christ alive in you and let the Holy Spirit radiate in everything you are and do."

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Word - 1st May 2020

I feel God is saying, "Keep your focus on Jesus, you have not come this way before."
Out of the blue, I felt God was directing me to Joshua 3:3-4. In this passage God directs the Children of Isreal to keep their eyes on the Ark of the Covenant as they cross the Jordan to enter the Promised Land. The reason God does this is because He knows that they are entering alien territory and they had not come that way before. Before them would be great challenges, various distractions and numerous opportunities to doubt the promises of God. So God instructs them to focus their eyes and their attention on the presence of God manifest in the Ark of the Covanent which will go before them, leading and showing them the way.
I felt God was saying that it is important at this time to focus our attention and our spiritual eyes on Christ. Focus and look to the power of the Holy Spirit in us. We are entering a time that we have not experienced before and it is so easy for us to be fearful of the challenges, daunted by the distractions around us and for us to doubt the promises of God. The world would have us focus on the circumstances, God would have us focus on Christ and his life alive within us.
God is encouraging us to focus on him in the uncertainty, focus on him in the new day of life. There is always a dawn that follows the night. That dawn is the new day of endless possibilities in Christ. That dawn is the realisation that the Holy Spirit lives in you. That dawn is that all the promises of God are YES and AMEN in Christ Jesus.
We may not have come this way before, but God holds us, Christ lives with us and the Holy Spirit is the power that lives in us, directing us and leading us. It is time to focus our eyes on Christ and he will lead us in greater depths of grace upon grace. Christ will lead us in greater realms of freedom and release us into greater realms of glory.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Prophetic Word - Turn The Page - For The Next Page Is Blank!

I believe there is an invitation that God through the Holy Spirit is giving to us to "Turn the page - for the next page is blank!"

God has provided for us a blank page, a new page where nothing has been written. Nothing has been formulated, nothing has been prompted. There are no suggested themes or inspiring texts. It is blank for God and you to write a new story.

This blank page contains no lines for you to write in. So you can write, draw, create, doodle, you are free to enjoy and create whatever God and you want to do.

This blank page is a spacious place. It is a place waiting to be filled, a space of possibilities, a place of desires, a realm of delight and a place of joy.

This blank page is an adventure, a page of new things, a page of new adventures, a page of intimacy, a page awaiting you.

This blank page awaits colour. It is there to be filled up with the vibrant colour of creation. It cries out for creations brush to paint with it the colours of heaven. It wants to be splashed, to be thrown at with the colours of the rainbow. It wants to come alive.

God is saying, "Turn the page!"

This is the time to leave behind the pages of the past. Turn the page into a new day of God living and working through you. Don't stay on the same page, turn the page onto a page of unlimited possibilities.

Don't be frightened, there will be challenges ahead but there will also be great adventures and God will be right there in the middle of it, guiding your hand, creating pictures and ideas with you. You are never going to be alone, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit goes with you.

This is the day of God's blank page. This is the day to turn the page into the adventure of God's plans and purposes.

Sunday, 5 January 2020

Prophetic Word - Unwrap and Let Go!

Over the last few days the words from the scripture of John 11:44 have been coming back to me over and over again, Unwrap him and let him go!

God is saying, It is time to be unwrapped and let go. The finished work of Christ has set you free. It is your time to walk in the freedom of the finished work of the cross. For too long, the condemnation of religion and the lies of the world have wrapped you up. For too long, sickness, lack, depression. oppression, broken-heartedness have held you in a straight jacket of death. All these things have held you back! God says, I have unwrapped you and this is the day to let go. This is the day to receive all I have won for you and to see the things that have held you back drop off. For whom the Son sets free, is free. You are a New Creation in Christ and all the past has been put to death, dont resurrect the past, leave the past behind, leave condemnation and guilt behind and walk free from the tomb into resurrection life.

Be unwrapped of the lies, failures and oppression of the old life and let them go and walk into the fullness of the new life you have in Christ. Gods life is now your life and the Holy Spirit dwells and overflows in you. You are new in Christ, unwrap yourself of the past and everything that would hold you back.

It is my prayer that this word helps you, strengthens you and causes you to have greater hope for the future! I believe for some believers there will be greater challenges and situations that arise for believers, but our future is bright and full of Light! What is this light? It is the Light of His glory and truth as manifested in Christ Jesus the Son. He indeed is the Way, the Truth and the Life and He gives Light to the whole world. It is in His Light that we see Light (Psalm 36:9). May the Lord open the eyes of our understanding and flood our hearts with revelatory light and truth that we may know the hope of His calling and the glory of His inheritance in the saints. (Eph 1:18)