Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Prophetic Word 2020 – Norway and London

I felt GOD say "2020 Will be a special year for nations from the North, my North wind will blow my Spirit through northern nations”


As I considered this word, the nation of Norway became the focus of the Holy Spirit’s prompting followed less prominently by Denmark. I feel that in 2020 there will start to erupt from Norway a colourful explosion of God’s glory and grace. A colourful light will emanate from Norway and a fire will start to erupt through the northern nations. God has a specific purpose for Norway, and his purpose will work within the hearts of the people of that Nation. Out of Norway will come shards of glory light to illuminate the world.


I felt that God was saying the London would be covered in the peace of God. That the Holy Spirit would release a spirit of peace that would flood out from London and just as in the past London held peace conferences that affect the nations, so now in the spirit out of London would arise a peace from God that would heal and restore nations. This might be totally unexpected and challenge many traditional religious concepts and theologies, but God was pushing back the boundaries of all we hold, and he was going to do this by restoring peace and taking away conflict.

I believe that in 2020 God has a specific purpose in his plans for Norway and London.


It is my prayer that this word helps you, strengthens you and causes you to have greater hope for the future! I believe for some believers there will be greater challenges and situations that arise for believers, but our future is bright and full of Light! What is this light? It is the Light of His glory and truth as manifested in Christ Jesus the Son. He indeed is the Way, the Truth and the Life and He gives Light to the whole world. It is in His Light that we see Light (Psalm 36:9). May the Lord open the eyes of our understanding and flood our hearts with revelatory light and truth that we may know the hope of His calling and the glory of His inheritance in the saints. (Eph 1:18)

The bible makes it clear that we “prophesy in part and we know in part” (1 Cor 13:9). It is my hope that I can share a glimpse of what the Lord is doing in 2020. I encourage you to seek the Lord for yourself and see what He might say to you for 2020.

Monday, 30 December 2019

Prophetic Word - 2020 The Song of God's Victory


2020 will be a year that the song of Christ’s victory will be sung above the noise and terror of the world. Over the past few days God speaking to me about the song of victory. He has been highlighting the phrase ‘Hear the birds sing!” and  I have been constantly drawn to an awareness that God is singing a song of victory over his people and his church and this song of victory is being sung for those that are listening.

The song of Victory is a song of the finished work of the Cross. It is a song of restoration, healing, wholeness, freedom and favour. It is a song surpassing all other songs, a song that echo’s on the wind and a song that sings out that all the promises of God that are yours in Christ Jesus. The song is a song of enthralment, it says, “Come to me, be delighted with me, be inspired by my love for you, be driven by my love for you, be captivated by me, and be enthralled with me.

The world has stolen promises from you, and has tried to destroy the dreams God has for you. The world has put up a barrage of cracking distractions and booming unbelief.  For some believers it has been a time of taking cover and a time of defending. The shelling of the world has just been non-stop, but above the noise and terror of the world, God is singing a song of Victory.

The song of Gods victory is crystal clear, it is a song of spring hanging in the air, a song that hangs in the atmosphere on a windless night and a song that baths in the sunlight of every day. It ripples the waters with waves in crystal clear melody of heaven. It is a song that destroys fear, pain and terror. For the enemy would come to mutilate the promises of God and attempt to cause as many casualties as he can, his purpose is to make you hear the shrieking of fear and the booming of pain and not the birdsong of his victory.

The bird song of His victory is the song your hearts needs to delight in so you can walk in joy, strength, and peace in 2020. It is a song that you need to hear above all the noise, it is a song you can tune your heart into and it is a song that you can sing as the God who created the heavens lives and works in you. 2020 is the year of the Song of His Victory, listen and sing the song of His Victory.


I also started to feel that there will be flames bursting from house to house as the fire of God’s glory got set free. These flames would set people free in their homes and where they call home. It would heal households, where families had been torn apart, healing would take place. Especially with broken hearted families. The flames of Gods glory would bring a transformation within families. As the enemy has tried to destroy families and bring division. I felt that God’s glory would bring restoration and healing specifically within family units. I felt that as this fire spread that healing would take place in communities and neighbourhoods would be restored. This fire spreading would transcend political beliefs and classes. It would unite brother with brother and daughter to mother.

In November I had a dream – “I  saw  a cloud of thick dust rose up and covered my view of the sky. Daylight disappeared and I started to choke on the dust. I thought the dust would engulf me. I could not breathe. I could not see. I was engulfed in dust. As I stood there the dust started to fall to the ground.  After a few minutes the dust started to settle, and after a few more minutes the dust lay and covered the ground. The air was now fresh again and I could breathe. God said, “Its okay, the dust has settled, you can walk on the dust it is under your feet. The dust cannot harm you anymore.” So, I walked forward and walk over the dust.”

I felt God say – “For some believers the past year 2019 has been a difficult and traumatic year. It has often seemed that troubles and tribulations have been constant. That one drama is followed by another drama. And just like a cloud of dust these dramas have engulfed you, and sometimes it has been difficult for you to get your breath. But God says “The Dust is Settling” the constant dramas are ending; the dust is now under your feet and 2020 will a time when you can walk over and away from those constant drama’s. 2020 you will know and experience that greater is Christ that lives IN YOU than he that lives in the world. That Christ has overcome, so now you can walk free in the victory of Christ’s overcoming triumph. Christ victory and his resurrection power lives in you, in 2020 you can know and experience His power in your walk with God and in your daily life. Don’t look at the dust, don’t remember the dust instead trample the dust under your feet. Acknowledge the power of the Holy Spirit in all you say and do.  Do not look back to the past, walk into the future you have in Christ. “


I had a picture and I saw an ornate silver chalice encrusted with many jewels and gems’, being poured into the chalice was a deep crimson wine. The wine kept flowing and flowing until it ran down the sides of the chalice and started to pour over the hand that was holding it and onto the floor. The wine was a ripple, it soon becomes a puddle and it became a river and its source was the crimson wine pouring into the chalice.

There is an overflowing of the Spirit coming in 2020 that will start with a filling up and with continue with a trickle but over time with develop into a stream. To many, many people this might seems as a delay, that something is not happening.  It will seem like ‘Getting to a train crossing and barriers have come down’. There might be times of delay, but the train is coming and suddenly. Unexpectedly, the answer and the solution will appear!

The Spirit is an overflowing Spirit; this overflow will affect every area and scenario of everyday life. It will overflow in health, happiness, contentment, acceptance, finances. God is pouring more and more wine, so the overflow of his vineyard of delight will touch and change everything we touch and have contact with. His desire is for the whole earth to be filled with the glory of God.

You are the vessels, the empty jar, which this overflowing wine is to flow through. God can do anything, nothing is impossible to God, but just as God chose Mary to bring forth Jesus, He has chosen you to carry him and overflow through you to the world and you will in 2020 and beyond have the choice to dive into the overflowing wine of the Holy Spirit or just to sip as much as you want.. 

It is my prayer that this word helps you, strengthens you and causes you to have greater hope for the future! I believe for some believers there will be greater challenges and situations that arise for believers, but our future is bright and full of Light! What is this light? It is the Light of His glory and truth as manifested in Christ Jesus the Son. He indeed is the Way, the Truth and the Life and He gives Light to the whole world. It is in His Light that we see Light (Psalm 36:9). May the Lord open the eyes of our understanding and flood our hearts with revelatory light and truth that we may know the hope of His calling and the glory of His inheritance in the saints. (Eph 1:18)

The bible makes it clear that we “prophesy in part and we know in part” (1 Cor 13:9). It is my hope that I can share a glimpse of what the Lord is doing in 2020. I encourage you to seek the Lord for yourself and see what He might say to you for 2020.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Prophetic Dream - Challenges and Rain in 2020

In November I had a second vivid dream, this dream I shared at a prayer meeting in my local church on a Sunday evening. That night two other people gave words that both contained pictures of ‘God’s Rain’. Initially, I wasn’t going share this dream at that meeting, but prompted by the Holy Spirit I did, this is that dream : -

I dreamed I was standing on top of a building, at a party with some of my friends. The sky was blue with just a few clouds bubbling up.  As the party was progressing, I noticed a stream of smoke rising from an adjacent building, this smoke started out as a small trickle but started to grow blacker and started to spread. The Fire Brigade arrived and began to put out the fire, but to not avail. Nothing could stop the fire and the black smoke grew thicker and deeper.  The sky started to blacken with the smoke and the smoke turned the daylight into darkness. Slowly the smoke started to drift towards me and my friends. As this mass of darkness came closer, my heart was filled with dread and terror of the impending doom started to fill me. My friends started to scream, and, in the panic, they ran away and left me. After a while I was standing along, watching the cloud of black smoke, I stood there waiting to be engulfed in the darkness and terror of the black cloud. The black cloud now filled the sky and slowly it came over my head. I closed my eyes, and I expected the doom. I waited and then I felt drops of pure crystal water touch my face and trickle down my cheeks. The pure raindrops became more intense. I opened my eyes and the crystal rain filled the air and sky. The black doom was dispersing, and the crystal rain had taken its place. The rain poured down on me and drenched me. The rain filled me with joy and covered me in refreshing life. I looked around and I was the only person experiencing this rain, all my friends had run away.

I felt God say – "For some believers there will be unexpected challenges from the world in 2020 that will be unleashed from the world to cause dread and panic in believers.  For some believers there will be a distraction of circumstances and situations unleashed to take away your attention from God’s promises to focus on the things of the world. These unexpected  challenges will take the form of every type of distraction. God said, that the first report is not the last report. Don’t let dread and panic fill your heart. Stand Firm. For the rain is coming. You may see and feel dread, but this is not the truth, the truth is that you have been given the joy of Christ. Stand and experience the life of the Holy Spirit in you.  God is working IN YOU, to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think. The World’s cloud is full of dread, but God’s promise is established in Christ. Christ will never leave you or forsake you.  You are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. The rain of God is more powerful and disperses the clouds of the world’s dread. God is faithful, he is working in you, listen to his voice and reject the world’s diagnosis. There may be bad reports, but the first report is Not the last report. God will not let you down, you are his beloved and you are a royal child and you are seated in heavenly places in Christ."

It is my prayer that this word helps you, strengthens you and causes you to have greater hope for the future! I believe for some believers there will be greater challenges and situations that arise for believers, but our future is bright and full of Light! What is this light? It is the Light of His glory and truth as manifested in Christ Jesus the Son. He indeed is the Way, the Truth and the Life and He gives Light to the whole world. It is in His Light that we see Light (Psalm 36:9). May the Lord open the eyes of our understanding and flood our hearts with revelatory light and truth that we may know the hope of His calling and the glory of His inheritance in the saints. (Eph 1:18)

The bible makes it clear that we “prophesy in part and we know in part” (1 Cor 13:9). It is my hope that I can share a glimpse of what the Lord is doing in 2020. I encourage you to seek the Lord for yourself and see what He might say to you for 2020.

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Prophetic Dream - The Coming Glory in 2020

On the 8th September 2019 I had a vivid dream, that captivated my sleep in the early hours of the morning. This was the dream which I believe was an insight into the coming year of 2020   -

“ I saw the sky erupting in violent storms of molten glory. Clouds of molten masses filled the atmosphere and I stood and looked on as clouds of molten power moved overhead, exploding the sky, turning the sky into colours of amber, red, vermilion, blazes of scarlet, crimson, yellow . Great clouds of black smoke rose from the storms and covered the sun. Suddenly this storm of molten glory moved and started to disappear from me and it went north into the distance, erupting as it went. I stood and watched it and a voice said to me “This is my creation power, this is my glory released on the earth, exploding, erupting, changing the atmosphere. This is my creation power coming to earth.” Suddenly it started to rain, a torrential rain, so strong that I could not see the sun and in seconds I was drenched in the rain. As I looked through the driving rain, I saw a rainbow; the rainbow filled the sky, from the bottom to the top. The colours were bright, blindingly bright, so bright that they pierced my eyes and all I could see was colour. I closed my eyes and the colours were there, the rainbow was inside my eyes.”

I felt God say – “There is a wave of glory, coming and is already here unlike any wave of glory before. This will be creation glory. It will erupt, it will explode, it will change the atmosphere. It will change everything. It will be messy, it will disrupt, it will turn everything upside down, and everything that stands will fall. It will be indiscriminate, it does not care for protocol, status, gender, race, colour or rank, and this will wash away all that is held high and bring about a new day. The earth will be filled with the glory of the grace of God. The rainbow of God’s promise will fill the earth. This promise that the judgement of God has been taken on Christ and this is the day of the Lord’s favour. Everything will be covered in the vibrant grace of God. This is the day of blessing, miracles, new life. That God is declaring through the vibrant rainbow that he is not counting men’s sins against them and that he declares that peace has been given to mankind through the reconciliation of the cross.”

The erupting power of God’s creating glory comes to declare the finished work of the grace of Christ at the cross. The Glory is the declaration that today is the day of the Lord, the Day of Reconciliation, healing, new life and resurrection power.